Don of The Spoon and Pusher

Said to the lads at the bar,

‘Though it’s closing time and the Bill be plenty,

I’ll not close this pub to gentry.

Have one more, my bonny lads,

And we’ll wait Black Cat’s return.’


Jim the skipper quaffed his ale

And nodded with his beard.

‘Though I’d best sail when the tide be turning,

I would that my boats be burning

Than leave you here, my bonny lads,

To wait Black Cat’s return.’


Mick the butcher sucked his Briar

And blew out rings of smoke.

‘Though I should be at slicing meat,

I’ll not set one foot in the street

And leave you here, my bonny lads,

To wait Black Cat’s return.’


Ben the sad librarian

Leaned back in his chair.

‘Though I’ve fines that need collecting,

Filing drawers that need correcting

I’ll stay here, my bonny lads,

To wait Black Cat’s return.


Black Cat Larson sat alone

In a pub just up the road.

‘Though I’ve a love for The Spoon and Pusher

With its seats of padded cusher,

I’ll not drink there when it’s so damn crowded

I’ll stay here alone.’


Ha ha.

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